Saturday, June 5, 2010

SetSelection with Edit_Poly Modifier

So, I was having tons of trouble trying to set material ID's with an edit_poly modifier.
I looked at this forum and almost got my answer:

Here is the solution:
--Step1: You must have the right mode and command panel settings before select command will work.
max modify mode
modPanel.setCurrentObject THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
YOUROBJECT.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetEPolySelLevel #Face

--Step2: Now you can select
--Example1: Simple Select
YOUROBJECT.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Face #{1} --Select faces via bitarray

--Example2: Convert Array to bit array.
TheArray = #(1,2,3,4); --Numbers in array corrospond to faces to select.
--Could make this array in a do-loop.
BITarr = (TheArray as bitarray) --Convert normal array to bit array.
YOUROBJECT.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Face BITarr --Select faces via bitarray



  1. --Here is an example that I made.
    Just run it and observe the material ID's of each cross section of the cylinder.

    MAT_COUNT = 10;
    SIDE_COUNT = 5;

    THE_CIL = Cylinder();
    THE_CIL.HeightSegs = MAT_COUNT;
    THE_CIL.Height = MAT_COUNT * 10;

    ep = Edit_Poly(); --create an Edit_Poly modifier
    addModifier THE_CIL ep;

    --//Before you add unwrap, apply the correct material IDs to the cylinder.

    --Edit_Poly selection will not work unless you do the following 3 steps:
    max modify mode --[1]
    modPanel.setCurrentObject THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly] --[2]
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetEPolySelLevel #Face --[3]

    for M = 1 to MAT_COUNT do(
    FACEarr = #(); --//Face array is NEW array.
    for S = 1 to SIDE_COUNT do(
    Findex = ((M-1)*(SIDE_COUNT))+S;
    FACEarr[S] =(Findex as integer); --Append to face selection.
    )--Next S

    --Create the new cross section selection.
    BITarr = (FACEarr as Bitarray); --Turn array into bit array.
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Face BITarr --Select faces via bitarray

    --SET the material ID of your current selection.
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #SetMaterial
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MaterialIDtoSet = (M-1) --The SET is zero based.
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
    THE_CIL.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Face #{} ;--Clear the selection so the next time you Select, it will not append the polygons from last time.

    )--Next M

  2. thanks man, good research here. helping out here! CHeers and keep it up

